Monday, May 4, 2009

Stopover at Dovecote Crest: Romantic Moments That Make You Go: "YAAY!"!

I'm not a fan of romance in comics. Probably because most of the time, they feel very contrived, cliched or just badly done in general.

All that said, this week's installment of The Battle of Dovecote Crest had me punching my fist into the air and going "YAAAY!"

And I love how I absolutely can't predict what will happen next. 

It's a nice moment, especially after all the trouble they had over the ComicDish being hacked fiasco. Glad to see they have their own site now.

Hm one of these days I need to try out and write about Comicpress. And Twitter. 

I think part of me is holding out on getting a Twitter for this blog. I really should, since I update on whim it would be easier for my readers to keep up. *sigh* It's just... the whole join-the-Borg feeling it gives out...