Thursday, July 7, 2005

The Helicopters are the Harbringers of Doom

After a late night out with a friend watching Kung Fu Shuffle Hustle, I woke up this morning to the sound of helicopters circling.

It took me about half an hour of the constant noise to make me realise something was wrong. Logging on to BBC's website, I quickly found out that it was due to a series of Tube 'explosions' on the London Underground.

But the enormity of the situation didn't sink in until we had reports of an explosion on a bus in Tavistock Square. That really gave me a chill.

You see, Tavistock Square is ten minutes walk from where I am.

Now they're talking about more blasts and terrorist attacks taking advantage of the timing, right after London Olympics bid.

So yes, it's kinda freaky to be living where I am right now.