So I clicked it, and pretty much found a gem of a webcomic I'd missed.
This comic is one of the rare ones that do not have any humans in the cast. It's also one of the rarer fantasy webcomics that do not borrow from Tolkien, and has its own original world. Lastly, it's also one of those comics where there are protagonists and antagonists, not good guys and bad guys. Shades of grey.
All those score a lot of points in my book.
Add to the delicious colouring work, the pretty art and the charming storytelling, you have something I really and highly recommend.
I'm sorry to say though, after the first few pages, I noticed the Keenspot banner on the top and my first reaction was: "Huh? It's on Keenspot?"
Now, before you wonder why, I mean no belittling of Keenspot by this... I'm just surprised that it is in Keenspot, that's all. Not because I don't think it deserves it (it certainly does, it's an excellent comic). No, I'm surprised because I read a lot of Keenspot comics, and for some reason I somehow missed knowing about a comic that I wish I had found much much earlier.
The archives indicate it's been there for a long time, and it's apparently done by the same person who does Alien Dice. Admitedly, I don't read Alien Dice, but I've been following Keenspot comics since what... 2000? And I could have sworn I've gone over the listing in main page many times, and although I don't read all of them I thought I knew the Keenspot lineup. Yet somehow... I missed seeing this comic among the lot.
In fact, if it wasn't for's thumbnail system, I may never had stumbled across this gem hiding in plain sight. And somehow that disturbs me that I found it from a webcomics directory instead of the Keenspot site.
If anyone from Keenspot is reading this, I have a suggestion: You know, the mouseover thing on the Keenspot front page is all very cool and all, but how about and extra page with just simple thumbnail links where you can see all of the comics lineup at once? It's not that hard to do, you don't have to even replace the front page, but I think it'd be more effective. Pretty please? Of course, if something like this already exists, and I missed it, please do direct me to it, someone.
But anyway, just goes to show, no matter how many times you look at something, and how much you think you know about it, you can never quite see the whole of it.
It does make me wonder... How many more comics are there out there that I will love and would dump my current read list for instead that I just haven't found?
Argh, like Gianna says: So many comics, so little time...