I will admit though, as the story's been going on and on, the writing's been bugging me more and more. It's not that it's bad, it's imbalanced. The characterisation is fantastic, and I love the philosophical issues they try and bring into the comic.
What I've been aware that's been steadily becoming more and more of a problem is the plot. It's just everything is so friggin' coincidental. It's like the whole world and everything that's happened up to then revolves around the main cast and their problems. Which happens a lot in stories, I'll give you... Although they shouldn't, and yes, I know there is such a thing as suspension of disbelief. It's what I've been employing with most of my comic reading so far.
But the latest update just outright caused my brain to rebel.
Just so you know, spoilers ahead.
Now we have the main character, our cuddly cute Acheron, and the jaded bounty-hunter companion, Lei'ella. And then this thief bumps into Acheron on the street and pickpockets all his stuff, but Acheron catches him at it.
Here comes the unbelievable part: The thief simply admits it, and says because Acheron caught him, he has to serve Acheron for how long the item he attempted to steal was worth because of something called 'thieves code'. And because one of the items is 'priceless' it probably means forever... Excuse me?
I could start pondering what use such a rule could possible serve in the first place? Punishment? There are more productive ways of doing so, since this subservant thing is most likely to end up with pickpockets going extinct. (If you ever have been pickpocketed, you should know how mad the victim can get at the moment) While we're at it, if that was the case, why would anyone even want to follow such a code in the first place?
The only thing I can think of that it is indeed what Ms. Lei'ella herself was about to say before she was self-censored: It's either a load total of BS spouted by the thief, or it's just a very very convenient plot device to add another member to the 'party' because they needed a stealthy character.
Ugh. Like someone once jokingly told me over an IM session: "Damn you and your logic!".
I'll still read Inverloch for the art, of course. But Damn me and my logic indeed.