I came across this one via our previous stopvers (Nahast, if you recall). They had an amusing end-of-year crossover that was actually good (As opposed to the done-to-death A meet B, fight erupts between A and B, A and B call a truce and then join forces to whop the ass of C etc.). Anyway, it piqued my interest.
I must say, the art for Darken is deliciously distinctive. The closest I can come to describing it is what I have written in the stopover title: a cross between Maritza Campos' College Roomies From Hell (art style and colour) and Joe England's Zebra Girl (Use of crosshatching). Yummy I say!
Oh yes, I should tell you what kind of comic it is. It's basically action-adventure set in a fantasy world. Yes there are elves and drow and all that... and it IS about a motley band of adventurers on a quest.
"What's this?" You say? "Weren't you groaning about how unoriginal and cliched that set-up was a few posts ago?"
"Hah!" I reply. "But there's a twist here! You see, our motley band of adventurers are on a quest to... wait for it...
And presumably enslave the population and all that. And kill lots of things on the way."
Try beating that for a twist!
It makes me fall in love with the fantasy 'genre' all over again.