By: Space Coyote (Mysteeee-rious Pseudonym)
Genre and Setting: Sci-Fi, Futuristic, Cyberpunk
Art Style: Manga, Inks, Greyscale, sometimes color.
Is About: Sysreq, a loud-mouthed, hot-headed police officer who works for the city of Ampersand. While struggling to handle his personal problems, he inadvertantly stumbles across something that might shed light on why the humanoid androids in the futuristic city keep 'commiting suicide'.
Frequency: Sporadic, to quote the site's own words.
Availability: Free
Edit 19/08/2004: I've been asked to take down the review.
To fill you guys in on what you might have missed; it was a glowing review and I was very very very impressed and delighted with Saturnalia.
The Next Leg:
A quick visit to Saturnalia's Links page (YES! Descriptions!) comes up with a lovely bunch of comics I've never heard of. The desciption for No Rest for the Wicked immediately catches my eye.
Based on various fairy tales. Very whimsical and fun to read. Nice, unique artwork, excellent writing.
Other than the magic words 'fairy tales', this is a independently-hosted comic, which gives it an edge because my last 5 comics were Keenspace ones. Nothing against Keenspace, but one can't stay in the same continent forever ;) . I don't want to end up like certain people, who live in the same country throughout their lives, and assume everything elsewhere should conform to them, and expect other people to know everything about their country yet display breath-taking ignorance about anything foreign. (People who think Malaysia is a province of China, or that it is next to Portugal, yeah I'm talking to you!). Oh, and I'm ranting now... whoops. Sorry.
Anyway... time to go abroad!