Thursday, August 12, 2004

The Journey Begins: The Rules

Well, this is the first step of my (not so great) journey through webcomic-dom.

The first thing I should do is, of course, explain what this whole thing is about. What I'm aiming for with this journal is to have a nice collection of webcomic reviews, but unlike other webcomic review sites there are out there, I'm going to have a different system of picking which webcomics I review.

The system goes like this:

  • I start off from my own website, The Jaded, and pick another webcomic which has been linked from either the main or links page.
  • I will then go to that comic, read it, then review it.
  • The review is then posted on this journal.
  • I then pick another comic link from the links or main page of that comic, proceed to that one, and repeat the cycle.
  • Every cycle of this completed process will be called a leg of the journey.
  • If any of the comics I chose does not have a links page which contains comics I haven't reviewed yet, I will backtrack to the previous comic and pick a link from there.
  • I might revisit a comic I reviewed earlier if it comes across my path again and if I'm requested to, but generally there should be a long interval between reviews. Long as in, a year or two.
  • I will try my best to always pick comics that other review sites haven't reviewed before.
  • I will not have a numerical score system for rating the comic. I will simply go by boolean values: whether I like it or not.

Note: Although I try as hard as possible to be fair in my reviews, I do not pretend to be some impartial judge of all webcomics. These reviews will probably be biased by my own opinions, and you're welcome to disagree on any aspect of it as long as you act rationally as not as a deranged fanboy. :p

Some of you might wonder, with so many other webcomic review sites out there, why would anyone bother to write yet another review site? I'm not sure really. I think it's partially because a lot of the review sites tend to focus on the more popular webcomics, and neglect the newer and lesser known ones. Or maybe it's because I really like reviewing and reading reviews. And maybe I'd just like to talk about the new comics I've read somewhere other than a forum.

And maybe because it's just plain fun to try out this new system of moving from one webcomic to another to see if recommendations really DO work.

Anyways, enough with rules and explanations: On with the journey!

Starting from, most of the comics I've linked tend to be comics I already read. But looking on the row of links on the left of my page, I see Alex and Ilia heading the list. I've been reading Alex and Ilia for a long time, but it's been a long time since I've revisited the archives. With all the recent (low level) controversy about the comic, looks like I've found my destination for the first leg.

Next: Leg 1: Alex and Ilia